Friday, September 24, 2010

In the hands of an angry God

This week’s topic is a preacher who preached about god and how if you don't be good and go to church god will send you to hell at any minute.  He stated that god had an arrow pointed at you ready for you to mess up.  I believe in god, but I believe that god is loving and willing to forgive, but this preacher is crazy.  The preacher is just trying to strike fear into his believers in order to get more money for the church and himself.  This guy is should be put in a mental institution, because if he actually believes this, something is wrong with him.  He depicts god as someone you should fear rather than love.  I'm pretty sure that everyone who listened to this preacher was probably wetting their pants in fear.  I actually feel bad for the people who believe this guy, because they probably were too scared to even walk outside in fear of committing a sin.  If I was one of the villagers there I would move to another country were they let you believe whatever you want,  I wouldn't want to go back to the village because everyone will hate me for rejecting their faith. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the neighborhood.

I live on 26th street, which means that the neighborhood is very Mexican, even the stores are Mexican.  But one day a Japanese family moved in down the street.  Everyone in the neighborhood thought that they were strange, because for one they had a rooster for a pet.  They also dressed kind of strange, which I learned later was because of their heritage.  So one day a man who lived next door got really upset because the rooster was making a lot of noise.  The Japanese man and the guy next door got into a fight and the cops showed up and put them both in jail.  They were released the next day, but after that day everyone in the neighborhood didn’t like the Japanese family.  It was kind of crazy because people would egg their house and call them names.  My family and I stood out of the situation.  Until one day my parents saw a group of thugs spray painting their garage so my mom called the cops, but by the time the cops came the thugs were long gone.  My mom told the police about what she saw and shortly after that the police left.  The Japanese family thanked us and a week after that the family left our neighborhood, and after that everything went back to normal.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

About me
Well my name is Jose S. and im a very laid back guy. I live on the north side of Chicago.  I live with my mom, dad,and my younger brother.  I'm 15 years old and go to Whitney Young high school.  I also really love sports.  But my personal favorite sport is baseball,  thats because its the sport I play the most.  I made my freshman baseball team for whitney young.  My favorite professional baseball team is the Chicago White Sox.  My favorite baseball player is Alexei Ramirez.  I also like watching T.V, my favorite show's are Family Guy, The Simpsons, and South Park.  I love to listen to music,  the only way I can go to sleep is if I listen to music.

Some of the things that I dont like are when people talk during a movie.  It drives me crazy when people think that Lane Tech is better then Whitney Young.  I also don't like the Chicago Cubs, they're not going to win the world series, just accept it.  I hate when people are so negetive all the time.  I also hate when teachers write on the blackboard.  The sound of the chalk hitting the blackboard is so annoying!