Monday, November 15, 2010

American Lit Class

I really don’t have a lot of complaints about this class.  But the ones that I do have are the ones that I want to change (even though they’re probably not.)  First of all I would like the books that we read together to be more interesting.  No offense but the Crucible and the house of the seven gables bored me to death.  Why can’t we read books about action like ninja’s or secret agents?  But instead we read books about crazy people that accuse other people of being witches.  BORING!!!  Another thing I hate doing is taking notes.  I never even look at my notes again after I take them.  Plus it ruins reading because I’m always looking for something to write down instead of focusing on the book.  I don’t see the point in notes.  Those are the only two complaints I have but overall I really enjoy this class.  It is probably one of my favorite classes that I have. 

1 comment:

  1. Although I didn't write about note taking I agree with you.Its hard to concentrate on both what to write done and following the plot. Also I don't like how we can't even take notes in the formate we want. If we got to do that it would be at least a little bit easier. And finally I agree ninja and secret agent book would be more enjoyable to read in class.
