Sunday, November 7, 2010


When people think of slavery they think of African Americans being brought to America to work on plantations against their will.  That was a long time ago, and since then slavery has been abolished.  Or has it?  Today there are companies that use sweatshops to get their products made.  Now sweatshops are places where people work for big companies such as Nike and get paid very little and work in very poor conditions.  Nike even uses children in Pakistan to make their soccer balls.  The children get paid very little and have no other choice because they’re poor and needs to help his family.  This is why many people are forced to work in sweatshops.  But Nike isn’t the only company who uses cheap labor, I researched the companies who use sweatshops and to my surprise there were more than 30 companies!  So this isn’t just one company, this is an epidemic that needs to be stopped.  The companies aren’t going to change because they’re making millions of dollars, so I think that the only way to stop the use of cheap labor is to boycott these companies.  This will create less demand for the products.   By creating less demand for products, it forces workers out of jobs. A well organized boycott will cause a company to change the working conditions in a factory, instead of simply closing it down.

1 comment:

  1. I agree!!! Go Jose. I know its cgoing to have to start with us as consumer because the company doesnt care how many lives are ruined or hurt just as long as it isnt them and they are still making money. It is up t us to change the way the make their products. The only question is "We will ever be able to build up enough momentum to change the minds of these multi- billion dollar companies???"
